How to Stop Birds Nesting Under Your Roof?
March 26th, 2022
Category: All Blogs, Maintaining your roof
Are you annoyed and looking for the solution on how to stop birds nesting under your roof? Those chirpy little creatures are adorable until they make their nest on your home and spoil your roof. No doubt, their lovely voices add a melodic sound to the surroundings and simultaneously causes a major harm on your roofs.
The detrimental effects a bird can cause to your roof
Regardless of the birds flying over your roof top or building nest, it causes enough damage on your roofs. And the damages are-
1. Deteriorating the roofs
When birds build their nest, it attracts many types of termites, pests and insects. And undoubtedly, they end up damaging your roofing materials.
2. Droppings of the Birds
The unwanted business of the birds does major harm on your roof shields. As the bird feces contains a high quantity of uric acid that damages your rooftops.
3. Debris on your roofs
The continuous nesting on your roof tops will result in not only deteriorating the roof surfaces but also reducing the aesthetic appearance. Regular bird’s nesting will enhance more unwanted things like rotten eggs or chicks. That means worms and insects too. And not to forget the dry grasses and branches used in nesting.
Hence, let’s have a look at the ways we can tackle them. And find out the ways on how to stop birds nesting under your roof?
There are different ways of providing help to your rooftop and prevent the settling of birds. And every technique has its own pros and cons. It should be noticed that there is no perfect strategy for keeping birds from choosing your rooftop – and every one of these choices have disadvantages too. But if you are to find a solution to the question – ‘How to stop birds getting into roof?’ then they are given below-
1. Place the tile roof eave
The margin of the rooftop which protrudes towards the wall is called eaves. Little holes exist under the rooftop eaves where birds can build nests. To prevent them, you would require eave closures or bird stop. They help to block any holes in your roofline, keeping birds away to build nests on your roof.
2. Install sound deterrents
The sound deterrents are little gadgets that produce high pitch noises. Eventually the noise that is produced by the devices helps in keeping the birds away. Moreover, they are inexpensive and effortlessly installable with long lasting batteries.
But as said it carries its own disadvantages – it will cause the birds away from your surroundings. And that’s really harmful for the ecosystem. More than that the noise may create noise pollution too.
3. Fix bird spikes
Bird spikes do wonders in preventing the birds from landing in your roof tops. Besides, they work effectively as you can get it for a scale of areas to cover your roofs. Although they don’t cause any harm to the birds, it must be avoided in populated areas. Because they create difficulties in human navigation.
4. Check for missing tiles
It is important to keep a timely check on the missing tiles on your roof. Without a doubt it attracts the birds to nestle on it. And also, it gets deteriorated easily due to accumulation of rain water in it.
5. Hanging reflective tapes on the trees
The reflective tapes or the aluminium foil hanging from the nearby trees, frightens the bird away. And this happens due to the reflection of the sunlight on the roof tiles; which irritates the birds. Also, it creates a clacking sound due to the wind that terrifies them.
Hence, we see that though birds look really attractive, yet they are not welcoming guests considering the health of our roof tops. And that’s why we must apply the mentioned methods for a long-lasting roof and put an end to the question – “how to stop birds nesting under your roof?”
About Dura Roof
Dura Roof is strongly spearheading in the realm of roof manufacturers in the entire North East India. Through its more than 40 years of cumulative industry experience and promoters, it has been setting its foot strongly. And for any kind of roofing solutions feel free to contact our roofing experts.
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